Shreya Ila Anasuya writes about on the stereotypes created by mainstream news media by the biased and often insensitive reporting of disability...
Category - Voices
A year in Skin Stories: 2018
2018 was a big year for Skin Stories.
Essentially Normal Studies: An artist’s attempt to express the invisible and unseen
Countless living through multiple poorly understood hidden illnesses and disabilities; chronic Lyme disease, CFS, endometriosis, lupus, Ehlers...
Can we ever have a conversation about desire without centering my disability?
I realised that even my closest friend felt the need to centre my disabilities in this kind of conversation. I wondered if there would ever be...
The field notes of a woman journalist who happens to live with disability
In a country where accessibility for people with disabilities is next to zero, and in a fast-paced job that demands mobility, it can definitely...
‘Fake it till you make it’: Surviving the terrifying loneliness of being a young person with an amputation
I couldn't let the people around me know of the emotional trauma I was going through, as I was afraid that I would attract more pity than I was...
Even as I fought for others to accept my body with disability, I had to learn to love it myself
The bodies being celebrated in pop culture, or in conversations around me were unlike my body.
Living as a bisexual person with an incurable itch
I was surrounded by opinions - both medical and personal - about my condition but I was in a very lonely place. Nobody understood, nobody tried...
Review: Shreevatsa Nevatia’s ‘How to Travel Light’
If there is a central theme to this book, it is how misunderstood and isolating the individual's mental health experience can be in a society...
For years, I thought my mental illness was a personal failing
Having spent more than a decade just fighting against my mind to keep myself afloat, my diagnosis was, in one word, a relief. I realised that...